Pro shogi player and high school student Rei Kiriyama, voiced by Kengo Kawanishi The main character of this tale. Lives alone in Rokugatsucho (“June Town”). Pro shogi player and high school student. Unable to feel at home in the area, he leads a solitary life.
Lives in Sangatsumachi (“March Town”). The eldest of three sisters. The sisters don’t have parents, so Akari is the breadwinner of the family. Good at cooking and taking care of people.
The middle of three sisters. A cheerful, hardworking 2nd-year middle school student. Not very good at cooking.
The youngest of three sisters. Goes to preschool. Crazy about Rei. A little bit of a crybaby.
Grandpa of the three sisters Works hard making Sangatsucho specialties at his sweets shop, “Crescent Moon.”
The oldest daughter of the Kouda family and Rei’s older stepsister. Has a harsh personality and a love-hate relationship with Rei, whom she blames for stealing her father’s favor.
Friend of Rei’s biological father, took Rei in as an apprentice after his family died Pro shogi player, 8 dan
Has played against Rei since they were children. Calls himself Rei’s “best friend,” but they’re both rivals scrambling to get to the top. Has a body wracked by poor health, but a passionate soul and has devoted all of his energy to shogi.
Nickname: “Smith” Specialty: Light, mellow style of play Pro shogi player, 6 dan
Life of the party at Shogi Hall Pro shogi player, 5 dan
Genius shogi player, the youngest to ever go pro and the first player to hold all major titles. Has broken a number of records.
Aggressive shogi player with a fiery temper. Dignified style of play. Pro Shogi player, 9
Become a Pro at age 25. A 40-year veteran shogi player.
Usually an unassuming, even timid, man, but drowns his sorrows in sake every time he loses in his shogi matches. Pro shogi player, 6 dan.
An accomplished pro shogi player who has been in class A for eight years. His handsome looks are hindered by his constant puns. Pro shogi player, 9 dan.
From Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture, the town of Shogi. Very much devoted to his research and a sincere, hard worker. Pro shogi player, 8 dan.
Member of Shimada's workshop. An assoiate of Shiamda's ever since they joined the Association. Usually a quiet person, but becomes passioante when it comes to shogi.
Shogi Dragon titleholder. Passionate about eventually dethroning Souya.
The president of the Japan Shogi Association. The 16th Meijin. Despite his free-mannered personality, he is good about looking after young shogi players. Fishing is his hobby.
Titleholder of Kishou Tournament. The longest active player, who worked his way up to Class A.
A giant, almost as if he is a martial artist. He is as good as playing shogi against Touji. Despite his intimidating look, he has a sweet tooth. Pro shogi player, 9 dan.
Rei’s homeroom teacher. Concerned about Rei, who is isolated at school and can’t seem to get to used to it. Shogi fan.
Nikaido’s butler Devoted
Hinata’s childhood friend. Respects Rei, since he’s a high school student who’s also a successful pro (shogi player).
Maternal aunt of the three Kawamoto sisters. Owner of bar Misaki, where Akari works and the pro shogi players frquently visit.
Rei's sempai and member of the After School Burners Club. His goal is to convey the wonders of science to young people. (*2nd-year high school student)